Jesus Ruins a Teen Marriage

I love the Lord, am a LDS woman, and would like to name my baby baby Jesus.

Wait, she wants to call him “Baby Jesus”? How will that work after he’s 33?

My husband says this is ridiculous because we are not latino and he does not even go to church anymore. I looked and it is a popular name in the US so it must be that others like me are out there spreading His love. His full name would be “Jesus Joseph Dewey”. Can any one tell me if when you are at the hospital can you refuse to let your husband have a say in what the birth certificate says? I 18 years old and am a first time mom.

Issue 1: Jesus! (Praise the Lord!) Joseph! (Hallelujah!) Dewey. (……..He’s a duck, right?)

Issue 2: Latinos apparently don’t live in America, and/or their naming choices don’t count in statistics.

Issue 3: Have you ever heard anything so romantic, and yet so filled with Our Heavenly Father’s purest love alighting from heaven to his children upon the earth as an 18 year old Mormon girl wanting to have her husband barred from the hospital where she’s just given birth so she can name their child Jesus. Joseph. Dewey? Amen.

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