‘Decent’ Into Snootidom

Back in ’63 when I was born my mom didn’t get to name me. My Grandma in fact I find out later named all of my sibling’s besides myself. I was sad about this when my mom finally told me at age 37. My Grandma (from my step father’s side) gave me her first name as my middle and her mother’s name as my first. I was named Barbara Fay.

Fascinating. You’re a lucky, lucky person if the most upsetting thing in your life is waiting 37 years to find out you’ve got a family name because your grandma thought it’d be nice.

I am Japanese and British decent. My mom teased me and said I was named after that darn Barbie doll. I am the opposite that is for sure. . .short with black hair. My Japanese and British side just happens to be blue blood.

Your Japanese and British side. So, in other words, all of you is blue blood. It must be tough getting transfusions!

Two years ago now I decided to change my name by court. I decided to add a little touch to my name of Barbara (since I might not answer to anything else) and took my mother’s first and middle name as MY middle name to HONOR her. Then of course switched my last name to my proper blood line.

OK, so you’re sad grandma named you after her mother, your relative. So you change your middle name to your mom’s middle name so you’re even more drenched in family names and change your last name to the one you consider more “fitting” (that is, snooty.)

I DON’T regret this at all. . .I would hope that my unborn child love’s his or her name that we choose. For I WILL NOT let anyone other than my husband and myself name our baby like my poor mom had to go through! It is a sad story that now has a great ending.

Again, you’re lucky if this is the closest to tragedy you’ve ever faced, you miraculous survivor. By the way, why in the name of all that is holy are you telling anybody this?

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